Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Palisade Climbing and a Wedding July 11th- 26th

One of the few things we had planned for a long time in our generally lazi-fare lifestyle was Mike and Cayley's wedding on July 13th in the Chicago area. Miss Amber Andress was kind enough to let us stay at her apartment and take us camping.

Here Mike and Amber enjoy a pretty sunset at White Pines State park.

After a very nice wedding and a meeting with other Chicago folk we were off to Dubuque. In a vehicle this time.

Still trying to stay off the bike, we decided to check out some climbing in the area. Kepler Palisades seemed like a good place to go. The only problem was that the bottom of the cliffs were under the Cedar River. So we could climb from the middle up, but not get down to the bottom. Not very convenient.

Michaels mad

So we just camped instead, met an interesting fellow named Noodle and spent the evening chasing the raccoons away from our marshmallows.

Morning dawned and Nyssa was bright eyed and bushy tailed to hit those rock walls

On our way back to Dubuque we stopped in at Pictured Rocks near Monticello.

Nyssa showing that rock

Michael leading his way over a bulge

A few days later we decided to check out the Palisades on the other side of the river. Mississippi Palisade state park near Savanna Illinois. Mary drove up and the two of us and my fam came down .

Mary showing off her new specs. Whose sunglasses are better? You decide in our newest poll...

Mary brought Michael home made thin mints, for a birthday present,but they kinda melted a bit on the drive

Birthday Boy

And how old is Michael tomorrow?

Mary preparing for her first rappel, pretty scary

Check out the pro

Nyssa once again commanding some respect from that rock

My mom even gave it a try- I guess all that violin playing has given her forearms of steel- yay mom!

Nyssa trying the other end of things- I'm at the top being a very trusting sister.

Mike on a hard crack climb

Me trying that same hard crack climb, and nearly clocking Mary in the head


And then something peculiar happened. Nyssa thought she'd play around on the hard climb. And the whole time she's trying Mike and Mary are just giggling behind us...little did we know....

As we were finishing up the sun started to set over the river

Mary tried her hand at the really hard crack climb

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