Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Riding in Cottonwood April 3rd-8th

Sorry for the lack of updates to our devoted readers-

Here are a couple of videos from the trail we rode in Cottonwood. We liked it so much we ended up riding it for about 5 days. Of course it helped we had a home to come back to in Cottonwood- thanks again to Frannie.

This is the beginning of the down hill section of the trail- and I actually got to wear the camera this time. It's pointed a little high, but you can get the general idea of what is going on.

Part of what made the trail so fun was the amount of variety in the ride. This is one of the flowey sections with fun swooping turns.

This is a section that was more rocky and one significant drop- hence the more vibrating camera and funny noises.

And now the big kahauna. It may not look that impressive, but trust me it was- this was the only spot that really made us nervous on the whole trail- each ride led up to this point, but always concluded smoothly. You can sense my relief with my rebel yell.

And the conclusion of the ride. A combination of bone jarring rocks and fast twisty turns.

We were really impressed with this ride, we thought it had a flow that a lot of the riding in Sedona was missing- maybe it was just that we could actually ride the whole thing instead of having to get off the bikes all the time- I suppose that always help the enjoyment factor and the ego.


.kk. said...

wow em and flan!! i definitely should have been checking up on you guys more often!! Keep posting, I've got your blog favorited now :) so you can't stop me now!!!

Anonymous said...


The blog is GREAT!

DAD (and Mom)