Here are a couple of videos from the trail we rode in Cottonwood. We liked it so much we ended up riding it for about 5 days. Of course it helped we had a home to come back to in Cottonwood- thanks again to Frannie.
And now the big kahauna. It may not look that impressive, but trust me it was- this was the only spot that really made us nervous on the whole trail- each ride led up to this point, but always concluded smoothly. You can sense my relief with my rebel yell.
And the conclusion of the ride. A combination of bone jarring rocks and fast twisty turns.
We were really impressed with this ride, we thought it had a flow that a lot of the riding in Sedona was missing- maybe it was just that we could actually ride the whole thing instead of having to get off the bikes all the time- I suppose that always help the enjoyment factor and the ego.